#brosestehtnichtstill: Full of ideas and committed in times of Corona
Exceptional times require exceptional measures: True to the guiding principle #brosestehtnichtstill (German hashtag means Brose does not stand still), Brose uses its know how during the corona crisis, among other things, in manufacturing equipment center and in the materials laboratory. With great creativity and commitment, Brose employees have developed intelligent solutions to contain the spread of the corona virus.
Picture source: Brose
Disinfect workplaces with UVC light
Brose normally uses UVC light in production to keep the water in paint shops germ-free. This light is invisible to humans due to its short wavelength between 222 and 254 nanometers – its effect is all the more remarkable: it renders viruses and bacteria harmless and is therefore an effective disinfectant. Hospitals are increasingly using UVC technology to keep operating theatres or hospital rooms free of viruses and germs.
Brose employees from the manufacturing equipment center at the Coburg location have been inspired by this. They designed a UVC emitter for disinfecting rooms and surfaces. The equipment is using radio control, timers, signal lights and sensitive motion detectors. This ensures that there are no people in the room during the irradiation.
Ingenious technology: surfaces at Brose are quickly and thoroughly disinfected using UVC radiation.
Materials laboratory produces disinfectants
Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, the demand for disinfectants has been extremely high: according to the Federal Statistical Office, the sales volume has more than tripled. Brose recognized this early on. In the automotive supplier's materials laboratory, experts work with chemicals every day and normally test the robustness of components. Brose is currently using this expertise and producing disinfectants. The team has now prepared around 300 liters from existing materials according to a virus-killing formula from the World Health Organization. This allows the disinfectant dispensers at the German Brose locations to be refilled.

Using know how: Brose employees from the materials laboratory apply disinfectants in accordance with the standards of the World Health Organization.
Mobile corona test station in use
If an infection with the coronavirus is suspected, quick action is required. However, it can take several days from sample collection to notification of the results. This is why Brose has invested in a rapid test. Employees can be tested in case of suspicion, but also as a preventive measure – for example, for absolutely necessary business trips.
A team from the equipment technology department converted a transporter into a mobile test station for taking samples. The interior of the Sprinter is divided into two completely separate areas with their own access. Without direct contact, the smear test can be taken through a partition wall with secured access. Using UVC lights, the Sprinter is sterile and ready for use again in less than a minute. The smear test taken is evaluated by Brose's company medical service. The result is available after just two hours and 28 minutes.

Quick & smart: Brose employees can be tested for Covid-19 within the company in a converted van.
Sewing face masks for colleagues worldwide
In some countries, it is mandatory to wear a mouth and nose protector at work or in public. The mask is designed to minimise the risk of getting infected with the corona virus by droplet infection. Brose employees have responded to the great demand and have, for example, taken up the sewing machines at the locations in Ostrava in the Czech Republic, Santa Margarida in Spain or Coburg in Franconia. In the Czech Republic, the eight-member team sewed around 250 masks for their colleagues in four days. The first 20 masks went to the employees from the plant security department, who have daily contact with a wide variety of people.

Handmade: Brose employees worldwide sew masks for their colleagues.