Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co.
Kommanditgesellschaft, Coburg
Max-Brose-Straße 1
96450 Coburg, Germany
Registered in the Coburg companies register
Registration court: Coburg district court
Registration number: HRA 2042
General partner of Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Coburg:
Brose Verwaltung SE, Coburg
Max-Brose-Straße 1
96450 Coburg, Germany
Registered in the Coburg companies register
Registration court: Coburg district court
Registration number: HRB 6320
Executive Board
Stefan Krug (CEO), Dominic Waldeier, Bernhard Blauth, Andreas Jagl, Raymond Mutz, Michael Brandstetter
Chairman of the Administrative Board
Michael Stoschek
VAT number
VAT number in accordance with §27 (a) of the German law on turnover tax (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
DE 132444669
Telephone: +49 9561 21-0
Fax: +49 9561 21-1429
Responsible for content (in accordance with the German interstate broadcasting agreement RStV § 55 para. 2):
Thorsten Vogt
Max-Brose-Strasse 1
96450 Coburg
Aviso legal
Brose S.A., Sta. Margarida
Pol. Ind.Casa Nova
C/Illes Balears, 2-6
08730 Sta. Margarida i Els Monjos
Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: +34 93 8917 300
Fax: +34 93 8917 7302
N.I.F./V.A.T.-ES-A 58763558
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona en el tomo 24183, folio 135, hoja número B-68210
Brose International GmbH, domiciliada en Hainstr. 18, Bamberg (Alemania), es el único accionista de Brose, S. A.
PKI and E-Mail encryption
Increasingly, communication with our business partners takes place via email. To ensure confidentiality and data protection, we provide the option of encrypted email transfer via S/MIME.
Legal Notices and Terms
Information on the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG)
The use of the masculine form of a word on our website should not be construed as an attempt to discriminate on the basis of gender. It is only used to improve readability. Naturally, all texts refer to both genders.
Trademarks and copyright
The trademarks and logos shown on these pages are the property of Brose. In showing them on these pages Brose is not granting a license to use the trademarks and logos. They may not be used without Brose's express written consent. None of the content provided by Brose on these pages may be reproduced, edited, distributed or realized in any way without the written consent of the author. This website may only be downloaded and/or copied for private, non-commercial use. Content of third parties which has not been produced by Brose is indicated as such. If we become aware of any breaches of the law, we will remove the offending link immediately.
We take great care in preparing the content of our website. However, Brose does not accept liability for the accuracy and completeness of the content on our site or for it being up to date. The content serves solely to provide information. It does not provide binding offers.
Our website may include links to third-party websites that publish content over which we have no influence. We are therefore unable to accept liability for this third-party content. The content of linked sites remains the responsibility of the provider or operator of the sites in question. Linked sites were checked for possible statutory violations at the time the link was created. No illegal content was identified at this time. However, it is unreasonable to expect us to monitor the content of linked sites continuously without concrete indication of wrongdoing. If we become aware of any violation, we will immediately remove the links in question.
Photo credits
History, 1954
© Santi Rodríguez /
© DOC RABE Media /
Social Commitment, Culture "Landestheater Coburg"
© Brasto /
Design idea and concept
- Tina Cornelius, Brose Group
- Bernd M. Schell, Brose Group